Beautiful Skin With Beautiful Beets (Includes DIY Beauty Hacks!)

Beautiful Beets for Healthy Skin

I don’t believe anyone who tells me they don’t love beets.

What’s not to love? They’re red. They’re naturally sweet. They’re one of nature’s most awesome superfoods. And they help clear up our skin. I. Love. Beets.

I sneak these ruby reds into my diet every chance I get, my most recent beet adventures including a juice called Sour Shower and a Beetroot Hummus from Earth + City.

Before I share some fun DIY skin beautifying hacks using beets, let’s talk a bit about the acne fighting powers of this red veggie.

Your favorite new beet related word is betalain.

This is where all of its power comes from (as well as its bright red colour.) Betalain is just one of many phytonutrients that offer protective and antioxidant properties. This means reduced damage to skin cells by toxins, fewer free radicals clogging pores and reduced inflammation and redness. It can even repair already damaged cells!

Our liver gets a lot of betalain love too, and that’s a great thing since clear skin really depends on our liver working hard to eliminate toxins such as free radicals that would otherwise cause acne. Betalain is a potent liver cleanser that supports phase 2 liver detoxification – this sounds like a bizarre and mysterious thing, but all it really means is that once the liver has processed any toxins in our body (phase 1 liver detox), they can then be prepared for elimination (so long jerks!).

So let’s chow down on some sweet beets.

Eat them raw as much as possible to maintain their many nutrients, since heat can denature and inactivate them. Check out this mega detoxifying raw juice I like to make at home:

Super Red Detox Juice

  • ½ inch ginger root

  • ½ cup raspberries

  • 2 beets, scrubbed

  • 2 apples

  • ½ lemon, peeled


Chop up the beets, apples and lemon into chunks that will fit into your juicer feeder. Juice the ginger root and raspberries first, followed by the beets, apples and lemon.

Drink up baby!

More Ways to Eat Beets

  • Roasted (just drizzle with olive oil and add your favourite seasonings)

  • Boiled (you can even drink the left over water or put it in your smoothies!)

  • Pickled

  • Borscht soup

  • Shredded in a salad

  • Sliced on a veggie burger or sandwich

  • Beetroot powder – get a pack at your local health food store and add it to smoothies, oatmeal, yogurt and anything you don’t mind turning red!

  • Beet greens are not to be forgotten – they’re full of skin friendly nutrients beta-carotene and vitamins C and K. Serve them as you would any other leafy greens (sautéed and in salads are my faves!).

Now the really fun part: DIY skin beautifying hacks!

When applied topically, beets can help to draw out impurities, remove dead skin cells and even out the complexion. Try these easy homemade beauty products:



  • 1 part cooled green tea

  • 1 part left over water from boiled beets


1. Mix together both ingredients until well combined.

2. Apply daily with a cotton ball. This toner can be stored in a jar on your washroom vanity for up to one month.



  • Beet powder

  • Clay mask (any)


Simply add some beet root powder to any clay facial mask mixture and apply as usual!



  • 2 tablespoons finely grated beet

  • 2 tablespoons plain yogurt


1. Combine both ingredients in a bowl. Yogurt offers anti-bacterial properties so this is a double dose mask for your skin!

2. Apply mixture to face and allow to dry (about 15-20 minutes.)

3. Rinse with warm water and apply your usual moisturizer.




  • 1 small beet, thinly sliced

  • 4 tablespoons vegetable glycerin


1. Instead of using pore clogging blush, just use some beets! Combine both ingredients and place in a double boiler. Simmer for 20 minutes.

2. Remove from heat and drain liquid, squeezing as much red goodness as you can from the beet slices before discarding them.

3. Store in a bottle on your washroom vanity and apply to cheeks (or lips!) with a Q-tip or cotton ball.

So you’re probably now asking “Where have beets been all my life?!” Let us know how you plan to up your beet usage by leaving a comment below! Be sure to check Out Date With Your Plate, for more clear skin how-to's. 

Meet Our Guest Writer

Jodi is a designated Registered Holistic Nutritionist (RHN), who focuses on helping those with any skin health concerns, especially acne and Clear Skin Solutions. Date With Your Plate, focuses on "food and natural options for restoring nutritional imbalances and maintaining optimal skin health."

Creating a healthy relationship with food is important, as Jodi states, "Food is like a long-term and committed relationship – it’s something to love, appreciate and nurture throughout life and in return it will make you feel vibrant and beautiful!"

Stop by Date with Your Plate and meet Jodi! Increase your self-confidence, love your skin, and discover the best/healthiest version of you.