Curried Beets with Toasted Walnuts Salad

Curried Beet and Toasted Walnuts Salad

"Curry" Up and Try a Delicious Beet Salad! This quick-curry recipe jazzes up cooked beets within minutes! Mixing the beet's earthy sweetness with citrus and a hint of curry spice is a delicious combination. Plus - beets, curry, and walnuts are quite nutritious offering incredible health benefits.

Curry Health Benefits 

Native to Southeast Asian cuisines, curry powder and leaves may help protect against heart disease, reduce Alzheimer's disease symptoms, ease inflammation, boost the immune system, and remove toxins from the body. These are some of the many reasons (besides the fabulous taste) to pump up the "heat"! 

Go "Nuts" for Walnuts!

High in plant-based Omega-3 fats, walnuts are delicious nutrient-dense nuts that may help improve cardiovascular function, balance weight control, and improve brain function. Toasted walnuts also provide a great balance to beets and lemon juice. 

This Curried Beet and Toasted Walnut Salad pairs well with rice (brown, white, or jasmine - whichever you prefer) and naan. Enjoy! 


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  • 4-5 small-medium beets*, fresh if possible

  • 1 1/2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

  • 1 1/2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice

  • 1/4 tsp salt (more to taste)

  • 2 tsp curry powder (use less if sensitive to spice)

  • 1/4 cup toasted, chopped walnuts

  • fresh dill to garnish (optional)

  • a dash of coconut milk or plain Greek yogurt (optional)

*Although using fresh beets is best, if time is an issue, use packaged organic baby beets, such as Love Beets. 4-5 small baby beets should suffice. When selecting fresh beets, see these tips: selecting quality beetroots and beet greens from the market.


Because I am not super savvy at making naan from scratch, I use ready-to-eat Garlic Naan from Trader Joe's. If following a gluten-free diet, use a gluten-free grain of your choice and/or bread for dipping in the delicious sauce seeping from the beets and walnuts.


1. Remove any greens from the beets (leaving an inch or two of stalk to prevent bleeding) and rinse clean. Save beet greens for a tasty sauteed side-dish.

2. Boil or steam beets. To boil, place beets in a pot of hot water, making sure water is covering tops of beets. Boil 30-35 minutes or until beets are easily pierced with paring knife or fork. Steaming beets for about 20 minutes is also a good way to cook beets while retaining their vibrant color and nutrients.

3. While the beets are cooking, chop the walnuts and toast lightly in a dry frying pan.

4. Mix the olive oil, lemon juice, salt and curry powder in a small bowl. Adjust to taste.

5. After beets are cooked, drain the water from the beets and immediately immerse in cold water to cool. Slide off the skins.

6. On a cutting board (avoiding wood-grained boards are best), slice beets in half from top to bottom, and then slice each half into quarter inch wedges. Slice smaller (matchstick) if preferred. Add to a salad bowl.

7. Toss the beets with the dressing. Sprinkle the walnut pieces on top, and serve warm or cool.


Beet, Apple, and Walnut Freekeh Salad

Get Freekeh! What is Freekeh (pronounced freak-uh)? I am delighted that you asked. The story goes that freekeh was created by accident nearly 2,000 years ago when a Middle Eastern village was attacked and the crop of young green wheat was set ablaze. Rather than sulking over the misfortune, the crafty villagers rubbed off the wheat chaff and cooked it, exclaiming "Eureka!" Freekeh was born. Today, freekeh is used in Northern Africa and the Middle East, and has recently ventured into Western food culture.

Freekeh goes through a roasting process in its production creating a nutty, slightly smoky flavor. After the wheat is roasted, the grain is threshed or rubbed, giving this food its Arabic name "farik" meaning "to rub." Similar to the taste of barley, freekeh is an excellent source of fiber, plant-based protein, and nutrients. 1/4 cup freekeh equals 6 grams protein, 20% Iron, 8% Zinc, 10% Folate, and 80% Manganese

This Beet, Apple, and Walnut Salad with Freekeh offers an inviting medley of flavors. The sweet, earthy beets compliment the nutty flavor of freekeh, while the apples, walnuts, and parsley add crunch, texture, and taste. Plus -my mom loves this salad (and she is not the biggest beet enthusiast)! Do you cook with freekeh? I would love to hear your experiences. 

Beet, Apple and Walnut Freekeh Salad Recipe

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INGREDIENTS (serves about 6)

  • 1 cup freekeh*

  • 2 medium apples, cored and diced

  • 2-3 medium red or golden beets, cooked and cubed or quartered

  • 1/2 cup chopped sweet onion

  • 3 tbsp apple juice (or apple cider vinegar)

  • 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice

  • 2 tsp orange zest

  • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts

  • 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley

  • 1 tbsp minced chives

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper

  • a handful of raisins or dried cranberries (optional)

*Organic Freekeh Roasted Green Wheat (Freekeh Foods): Freekeh is a wheat product and contains a small amount of gluten. This grain is not suitable for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerances. 


1. Empty 1 cup freekeh In 2 1/2 cups water or broth in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer 20-25 minutes or until desired tenderness is reached. 

2. Remove from heat, let stand for about 5 minutes, and fluff freekeh.

3. Add apples, apple juice, lemon juice, and orange zest. Let stand for about 10 minutes. 

4. Add onion, walnuts, parsley, and chives and toss. 

5. Add chopped beets, a dash of olive oil (optional), salt and pepper. 

6. Serve warm or at room temperature. 


Beet, Apple, Carrot, and Ginger Vegan Soup

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Stay cozy and healthy during the Fall and Winter with a delicious Beet, Apple, Carrot, and Ginger Vegan Soup! Nothing beats the crispness of Fall and the chill of Winter while combating a seasonal cold-virus like a steaming bowl of soup brimming with immunity-boosting ingredients. Besides the delightfully toasty temperature and delicious flavor, beets, apples, carrots, and ginger are high in vitamins and antioxidants that boost immunity, increase cardiovascular function, and provide other healing properties. 

I have a special place in my heart for ginger. Commonly referred to as a "ginger" since I was born with red hair, ginger (the spice) and I formed a natural bond. An ingredient traditionally used in Asian and Indian cuisine, ginger is one of my favorite spices in recipes and also as a natural remedy for soothing an upset stomach, preventing and eliminating a "cold" virus, and reducing inflammation. Studies also show that ginger has antiseptic properties acting as a cough suppressant. Combined with the vitamins and minerals found in beets, apples, and carrots, this soup is a natural way to improve immunity during the cold season and keep you warm during chilly days. 

Beet Soup, eh? Many people are not thrilled with the idea of slurping pureed beets, but before disregarding the possibility of beet soup becoming your new favorite Fall or Winter cozy food (if it isn't already), imagine the beautiful marriage of flavors: earthy beet, tart apple, zesty ginger, and sweet carrot all combined into one steamy bowl of deliciousness. Yes! Beet soup can (and IS) delicious! This recipe may surprise your taste buds with its delicious veggies and fruit (apple) sauteed with onion, garlic, and pepper.

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Beet, Apple, Carrot, and Ginger Soup contains a subtle flavor of ginger, but of course, you can flavor the soup to your liking. Do you want more spice? Be generous with the minced ginger and perhaps add some cayenne, creating an even stronger immunity boosting blend of ingredients. If you prefer a saltier soup, be liberal with the sea salt grinder. Cheers to toasty warm soup and healthy immune systems this Fall and Winter!

For more beet soup recipes, try borscht, one of the beet's most infamous soups. 

Do you have a favorite beet soup recipe? I would love to hear from you. Comment below.


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  • 3 medium red beets

  • 2 cups apple (Granny or other tart varieties)

  • 4 large carrots

  • 1 cup chopped onion (yellow or white)

  • 5 cups vegetable stock

  • 1-2 tsp coconut oil

  • 2 tbsp ginger, minced

  • 2 cloves garlic, minced

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • 1/4 tsp black pepper


Garnish with cilantro, goat cheese or vegan cheese, Bragg's Nutritional Yeast, diced apples, minced ginger, pine nuts, Greek yogurt or vegan yogurt, or coconut milk. 

Just Beet It Tip

Oven roasting beets and carrots for about 15 minutes prior to adding them to the saucepan will create more flavor. 


1. Gently wash beets, carrots, and apples (Click here for selecting and storing beetroots). 

2. Peel apples and beets (Beet skins are edible. If you have a quality high-speed food processor, you may wish to keep skins attached. Beet skins tend to make the soup more chunky but not any less delicious).

3. Cut beets and carrots into quarters or small chunks. Cut apples into smaller chunks or cubes. 

4. Heat oil or butter in large saucepan over medium heat. Add chopped onions and saute until golden brown. 

5. Add minced ginger and garlic to saucepan. Cook for 3-4 minutes, stirring frequently. 

6. Add beets, carrots, apples, and stock (or water if preferred).

7. Reduce heat, cover saucepan, and simmer until vegetables and apples are tender. Time varies between 25-35 minutes depending on sizes cut. 

8. In a food processor, puree soup in small batches.

9. Taste soup and adjust seasonings to taste. 

10. Garnish with cilantro, goat cheese, Parmesan cheese, Bragg's Nutritional Yeast, sour-cream, pine nuts, or coconut milk or yogurt. 


Roasted Pumpkin and Beet Salad with Arugula and Feta

pumpkin and beet salad with feta cheese

'Tis the season of EVERYTHING pumpkin, Fall’s beloved squash. Like many of you, I have been sucked into the pumpkin vortex.

Fall's arrival cues vibrant red, orange, and yellow-colored leaves, crisp temperatures that motivate us to sweater-up, and every pumpkin lover's dream comes true. Pumpkin lattes rule coffee shops. Pumpkin breads and muffins replace blueberry scones and bran muffins, and pumpkin pies and cheesecakes become dessert staples at every restaurant.

Every Fall, the beautiful stealthy pumpkin secures my affections. Although I may be one cup of pumpkin soup away from looking like an orange Oompa Loompa, there is more to the pumpkin's famed lattes and pies that inspires my fondness and respect for Fall's favorite squash. 

Besides its sweet delicious flavor, the pumpkin is extremely nutritious providing antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. The beautiful orange pigment of the pumpkin is produced by carotene, which converts into Vitamin A (retinol). 1 cup of cooked, mushed pumpkin contains more than 200% of our recommended daily intake of Vitamin A (converted beta-carotene). This key vitamin helps maintain healthy skin, teeth, and soft tissue. Vitamin A also promotes good vision, especially in low light, according to the U.S. Library of Medicine. Combine the pumpkin's health benefits with the beetroot's vast vitamins and minerals, such as Manganese, Vitamin C, and Folate (vital for pregnant and nursing moms), and we have an even bigger reason to eat more pumpkin and beets this Fall!


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  • 4-5 medium beetroots (if greens are attached - see beet greens recipes)

  • 1 small sugar (pie) pumpkin

  • 1 red onion

  • 1 large bunch of arugula

  • 1 tsp cumin powder

  • 1 tsp dried oregano

  • salt and pepper

  • 1 C reduced-fat feta (flavor to taste)

  • 1 tbsp sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds

  • 1/3 C olive oil

  • 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar

Just Beet It Tips

For easy prep, use ready-to-eat butternut squash (offers a similar taste), found at Trader Joe's and Whole Foods. Slicing prepared organic baby beets will also cut prep time. Packaged pre-cooked baby beets by LoveBeets can be found at select grocery stores and Costco. 

Using ready-to-eat beets and pumpkin or squash is a great way to eliminate extensive prep, especially around meal times! 


1. Pre-heat the oven to 350 F.

2. Slice pumpkin in half. Scoop out the seeds and pulp. Remove pumpkin skin with a vegetable peeler. Save the seeds if you wish to roast them. This video provides tips on roasting pumpkin seeds. 

3. After removing the outer layer, cut the red onion into small wedges or quarters.

4. Gently wash and peel beetroots. Use gloves to avoid stained pink fingers or leave skins attached (beet skins ARE edible just not aesthetically pleasing to most). Avoid using porous cutting boards as red beets will stain.

5. Place beetroot, pumpkin, and onion on roasting tray lined with parchment paper and coat (drizzle or brush) with half the olive oil. Season with salt, pepper, and cumin. 

6. Place roasting tray with vegetables* in the oven and cook for approximately 28-30  minutes, turning the pumpkin, beetroot, and onion after 15 minutes. Allow to cool and then assemble the salad. 

7. In a small bowl, mix remaining olive oil and balsamic vinegar and dried oregano. Gently toss (or drizzle) with roasted vegetables. 

8. Place roasted vegetables on bed of arugula or combine arugula in the mix. Sprinkle with feta cheese and sunflower seeds. Toss if preferred. 

Serve immediately or keep roasted vegetables and dressing separate from greens and chill in the refrigerator. Dressing and vegetables will keep for several days. Enjoy!

*Depending on who you ask these days, the pumpkin is either a fruit or a vegetable. For the purpose of this recipe, pumpkin has been placed in the vegetable category.  


Raw Chioggia Beet Salad with Honey-Lime Vinaigrette

Fall in love with a vibrant candy-cane colored Chioggia Beet Salad. This recipe by Susan Russo from NPR is a beautiful example of why beets are incredibly, spectacularly diverse.

Creating a raw beet salad offers a nutrient-dense salad with a stunningly colorful presentation. The Chioggia Beet variety tends to be on the higher end of "earthiness" (contributed to Geosmin), so if you are beet "newbie" and are not a committed fan of the beet's flavor, the Detroit Red Beet (red table beet) may be a better first impression of beets.

For beet lovers, the Chioggia Beet has the perfect sweet and earthy flavor that makes us love the beet in all its magnificent glory! 

Raw Chioggia Beet Salad with Honey-Lime Vinaigrette Recipe

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INGREDIENTS (Makes 4 to 6 servings)

for the Salad

  • 4 medium Chioggia beets (or another beet variety) washed, peeled and cut into matchsticks

  • 2 scallions, thinly sliced (about 1/4 cup)

  • 2/3 cup chopped fresh cilantro

  • 2 tablespoons roasted unsalted or salted pepitas*

for the Vinaigrette

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil

  • 2 tablespoons cider vinegar

  • 2 tablespoons lime juice

  • 2 teaspoons honey

  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

* The pepita, a pumpkin seed, is high in zinc and other nutrients. Pepitas are available at most major supermarkets and Mexican specialty markets.


1. Whisk all vinaigrette ingredients in a small bowl and set aside.

2. Wash and peel beets. Using a sharp knife, cut into matchsticks.

3. Place beets in small bowl.

4. Add scallions, cilantro and pepitas, and toss.

5. Add vinaigrette and toss until well coated.

Serve at room temperature.

Recipe and Photo by Susan Russo for NPR.


Hearty Red Beet Soup: Borscht

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Believed to originate from the Ukraine, Borscht (also known as Borsch) is a popular soup in many Eastern and Central European countries. Beetroot is the main ingredient, and the beet is what gives the soup its vibrant blood-red color.

This soup is eaten cold or warm (I prefer it super toasty warm on a cold day). Cider vinegar or kvass (a sour, slightly alcoholic beer) is often added to the soup to neutralize the sweet beet taste, and in the Ukraine, beef is usually included with this soup; however, the root vegetables are the main ingredients.

Garnish this soup with sour cream, fresh dill weed, or chopped mushrooms. 


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  • 4 cups vegetable stock

  • 1 farm stand bunch of beets, diced and peeled (about 2 cups)

  • 1 Yukon gold potato, diced (approximately 1.5 cups)

  • 2 Tbsp butter

  • 1 yellow onion, chopped (about 1.5 cups)

  • 1-2 tsp salt

  • 1 tsp caraway seeds

  • 2 large carrots, peeled and cut

  • 1 stalk celery, cut

  • 3 cups red cabbage, chopped

  • 1 -2 tomatoes, chopped

  • 1 Tbsp cider vinegar

  • a bunch of chopped fresh dill (I like a lot, maybe 3 Tbsp)

  • black pepper to taste

Optional Garnish Ingredients: sour cream or plain Greek yogurt, fresh dill, squeezed lemon wedge on top, salt and pepper to taste


1. In a large pot, bring broth, beets, and potatoes to a boil. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer until tender, about 15 minutes. Reserving the stock, drain beets and potatoes into a side bowl and set both aside.

2. In the same pot, heat butter over medium heat. Add onions, caraway seeds and 1 tsp salt, and sauté until the onion is translucent, about 3-4 minutes. Add carrot, celery, cabbage, and reserved vegetable stock. Cover and simmer until all the vegetables are tender, about 10 minutes. 

3. Stir in potatoes, beets, and all remaining ingredients. Cover and simmer on low heat for 30 minutes.

4. Puree contents of pot in blender or food processor, working in small batches at a time depending on size of your blender or food processor. If you prefer a chunkier stew-like texture, skip this step. Return to pot and continue to simmer.

5. Serve immediately, topped with the garnishes to your liking.

Recipe adapted from