Homemade Fruit and Vegetable Gummies with Beets, Strawberries, and Cherries (Vegan)

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Homemade Fruit and Vegetable Gummies Can't Be "Beet"! They are fruity, naturally sweet, easy to make, and taste like real fruits and vegetables. These fresh fruit and vegetable gummies contain simple ingredients using natural sugars from beets, strawberries, and cherries (optional maple syrup if you want a sweeter taste) and vegan and vegetarian-friendly gelatin. Yeah. Beet, Strawberry, and Cherry Gummy snacks are awesome!

Many store-bought fruit snacks and gummies contain unhealthy ingredients (many that we can’t even pronounce and loads of sugars (high-fructose corn syrup often makes an appearance), so it is great fun to make gummies at home with only a few ingredients and using nature's natural fruits and vegetables. Beets, strawberries, and black cherries are rich in Vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber, so this snack is a total win.

Although there are many different types of gelatin to make gummies, gelatin is often derived from beef, so this recipe utilizes Agar-Agar powder, a vegetarian and vegan substitute.

What is Agar (also known as Agar-Agar)?

Agar is a vegetarian jelly-like substance made from red algae that contains little to no calories, carbs, sugars, or fat. It’s a great addition for making healthy snacks. Agar can also be used in vegetarian and vegan recipes as a thickening agent for soups, puddings, and sauces. You may even wish to add fruit and vegetable gummy bears (like Boba) to your iced teas, milk teas, and/or cocktails. Yum!

Let’s get real.

We hate to disappoint you, but these gummies are not candy. Yeah. Most gummy bears and even some fruit snacks contain high levels of sugar. This recipe does not contain that same level of store-bought sweetness; however, these gummies ARE delightfully tasty! These fresh fruit and vegetable gummies have a very pleasant fruity taste. They taste like real strawberries and cherries with a hint of beet. Strawberries, cherries, and beets pair well together, and the colors are gorgeous. The beautiful beetroot can be a tad “earthy” as some say, but the sweetness from berries and cherries is a fantastic balance. However, if you prefer a sweeter taste, use Grade B Maple Syrup (or sweetener of your choice) as it’s packed with nutritious trace minerals, such as potassium and magnesium.

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Guess what? Homemade Fruit and Vegetable Gummies are actually easy to make, once you have the molds and gelatin on hand. Plus - even your kiddos may get jazzed about the process of filling the silicone molds and then popping out the gummies to eat as a snack.

Heart molds are perfect for Valentine's Day (and any day as they are so darn cute), but there are limitless options for creative mold designs: bears, sea shells, truffles, dinosaurs, palm trees, zombies, robots, and even Legos. Adult gummies are also a “thing” now as you can make gummies with CBD oil and even alcohol.

Don’t have molds? No problem! you can use a glass dish or even a square cake pan. Refrigerate ingredients in the fridge and then cut into squares or small heart or star shapes using a small cookie cutter. Once you make homemade gummies, you will see how easy the process is and you may be hooked!

Who’s ready to make some gummies?


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Beet and Strawberry Gummies Recipe

(makes about 25: heart mold is 1.1 x 1 x 0.9 inch)

  • 1/2 cup water

  • 1/3 cup diced raw beets (or beet juice)

  • 1 1/2 cups strawberries, fresh or frozen (defrosted) and stems removed

  • 1/3 cup diced raw red beet (or beet juice)

  • 1 1/2 tbsp maple syrup : add more for a sweeter taste and/or preferred sweetener (optional)

  • 1 tsp lime juice

  • 2-3 tsp Agar Agar Powder**

Beet and Black Cherry Gummies Recipe

(makes about 50 total: gummy bears: 24 / Circles: 25+: 1.1 x 1 x 0.9 inch - gummy bears a tad smaller)

  • 1/4 cup water

  • 1/2 cup black cherry juice (no sugar added)*

  • 1/4 cup red beet juice (no sugar added)

  • 1 1/2 tbsp maple syrup (optional)

  • 2-3 tsp Agar Agar Powder**

*This recipe uses pure black cherry juice (no sugar added) because fresh black cherries are not always accessible in the store. Also, if you don’t have access to beet juice, you can blend raw beets with cherry juice until liquid. Strain the chunky beet parts, using the remaining liquid for the gummies. Most markets sell beet juice either fresh and refrigerated or on the shelves with other juices.

**2 tsp makes a softer gummy and 3 tsp makes a more firm gummy texture.

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This recipe utilizes the whole fruit, but if you want to shorten the process, use real strawberry and beet juice with no added sugars. Both can be found at grocery stories.

  1. Puree strawberries and beets in high speed blender (you may also juice them if you wish). If you don’t have a high-speed blender like a vita-mix, you will want to squeeze blended ingredients through a sieve to strain the chunky pieces keeping the remaining beet and strawberry liquid for the gummies.

  2. Mix blended beets and strawberries with lime juice and maple syrup (optional).

  3. In a small saucepan on the stove, let gelatin “bloom” as its called before adding heat. Add 2-3 tsp agar powder (2 tsp for soft and 3 tsp for more firm gummies) to 1/2 cup water. Let sit for about 5 minutes.

  4. Add the fresh beet and strawberry puree/liquid to the pan with the agar powder and water. Add lime juice and maple syrup or sweetener (if using). Whisk to combine all ingredients.

  5. Heat ingredients in pan over low to medium heat, whisking until agar is completely dissolved. Ingredients will start to thicken.

  6. When agar is completely dissolved and ingredients are slightly thickened, remove pan from heat. Don’t overheat the gelatin mixture. You want the mixture to be warm but not burned, clumpy, or too hot to touch. Heat for about 2-3 minutes.

  7. Taste the liquid before placing in molds. Add more sweetener if desired.

  8. Using a small eye dropper (preferred) or small spoon, fill molds. Be careful not to overfill. If you don’t have molds, you may pour mixture into a square glass pan (or baking pan) lined with parchment.

  9. These gummies harden very quickly! If the dropper becomes clogged, rinse with water, stir the mix, and continue.

  10. Place in refrigerator for about 15-30 minutes. This mixture is quick to harden in the silicone molds, but if you find that the gummies are not set, keep molds in fridge for another 30 minutes.

  11. Remove gummies from fridge and carefully pop out of the molds. They should come out very easily. If using a glass pan rather than molds, cut mixture in squares or use a small cookie cutter to make shapes.

  12. Beet, Strawberry, and Cherry Gummies can store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for about 1 1/2 weeks. Enjoy!

To make Beet and Black Cherry Gummies, Start with Directions #3 and sub cherry juice for strawberry puree/liquid. Add lime juice if you wish, but it adds a more tart flavor to the cherry and beet combo.