Beet and Almond Pancakes (gluten-free)


Beet lovers and beet non-enthusiasts alike will love Beet and Almond Gluten-Free Pancakes. Because beets have a uniquely sweet flavor and are healthy, adding beetroots to pancakes is a creative way to enjoy the beet's deliciousness and nutritiousness in the morning or any time of the day. 

Modifications: Depending on your desired sweetness, a dash of stevia or a tablespoon of Grade B maple syrup in place of honey are both delicious options. Replacing honey with a tablespoon of applesauce also works wonderfully. Top pancakes with butter, syrup, applesauce, or almond-butter.

If you are feeling super zealous, double the batch and freeze for a fast meal later in the week.

Beet and Almond Pancakes (Gluten-Free) Recipe

gluten free beet and almond pancakes.jpg


  • 4 small red beets*

  • 1 1/2 cups of almond flour or gluten-free pancake mix

  • 3 eggs

  • 1/4 cup almond milk

  • 2 tbsp honey or preferred sweetener

  • 1/2 tsp baking soda

  • 1/4 tsp salt

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1 tsp almond extract (optional)

Optional Toppings:

butter, syrup, applesauce, almond-butter, or jam

*For a fast no-fuss option, use 4-5 packaged pre-cooked baby beets found in local markets


1. Cut tips off of beets and wrap in tin foil. Roast beets in the oven at 400 degrees for about 30-40 minutes or steam beetroots for about 20 minutes. For a fast no-fuss option, use 4-5 packaged pre-cooked baby beets found in local markets

2. Let beets cool. Then peel and discard skin.

3. Cut into small pieces and purée in the food processor or finely grate beets adding a chunkier texture to the pancakes. 

4. Mix all pancake ingredients together, starting with dry ingredients first. 

5. Coat pan with coconut oil or preferred cooking oil and pour large dollops of batter. When batter starts to bubble, flip and cook the other side.

6. Top pancakes with your favorite toppings.

Recipe adapted from